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الأحد، 31 أغسطس 2014

duhok park

The park is located near to Directorate of Duhok Customs and consists of gardens, restaurants, kids’ entertainment games and cafeterias.

Public Park

This park is in the heart of Sulaimani city, situated in the head of Salim Street in front of Sulaimani Palace Hotel. Built in 1937 and considered as the oldest and most beautiful one. The park includes the statue of the 4 officers and some poets and artists. There is also a playground for kids.

الخميس، 21 أغسطس 2014

travel to Shrine & Srochki Castle in Barzinja

Town of barznja is 55km north east Sulaimani city . It has natural beautiful scenes and embraces a shrine of two men ( Esa& musa) from prophet Muhammad's offspring ( PBUH ) . Sheikh ESa (died 1353 AC ) founded Barzinja town . There is - on top of a near mountain a castle named sruchki which is referred to the 16 th century.

travel to Khurmal mineral Pond

Khurmal is a small historic town sits east Sulaimani. The Masjid & Minaret were built in Abdullah son of Omar son of Alkhattab the 2nd Khalif. There is a mineral pond in Khurmal called (Garaw) useful for some skin diseases

الاثنين، 18 أغسطس 2014

why you should visit kurdistan

The tourism industry, in this fast emerging market, offers potentially lucrative returns. The Kurdistan Regional Government invites the worldwide business community to participate in developing Iraqi Kurdistan true potential. This website aims to provide tourism businesses and those interested in organisation of tourism in Iraqi Kurdistan, with instant access to information on market trends, details of the development opportunities, and finding the right contacts.
The private sector is also invited to contribute towards the development of tourism in the Region.

travel to see akre

Aqrah (Kurdish Akrê, ئاکرێ; Syriac: ܥܩܪܐ ʻaqra) (from the Syriac word meaning "barren," referring to the land) is an historically Assyrian city and district in Iraq which is located in the Dohuk Governorate since 1991. The total area of the district is (6418) km2. The district of Aqrah was formed in 1877 by the Ottoman Empire and the city of Aqrah became the center of the district. Before 1991 the large district of Aqrah was part of Ninawa Governorate, but after the Kurdish Uprising in 1991, Aqrah district became a part of Dohuk Governorate.

The population is mainly Kurds, but with an Assyrian minority. Defend International President Widad Akrawi, the Kurdish film director, Hiner Saleem, and the Iraqi Ambassador to Vienna, Tariq Aqrawi, were 
    born in this city


الأحد، 17 أغسطس 2014

travel to Jelly River

This river lies 95 Km northeast and 24 Km from Koya with a 600m altitude. Because of the curing benefits of its water, the river attracts those ailing from skin diseases. It flows through the wide Smaquli valley which is located northwest of the city at a distance of 21 km. It is a beautiful region rich with luxuriant orchards and other varieties of trees.

travel to GRAW Baba Jesk

This sub-district located nearby to pirmam district, 57 km from 
Erbil city center. This tourist point is located near Dwin citadel, 
from west part of Kore, the famous tourist district. 
There are two mineral water resources in this location which is 
very useful for skin diseases. This location is visited by so many 
tourists for medical treatments.

السبت، 16 أغسطس 2014

go and see Azadi Park

The site of the Azadi Park was a military base during the Ba’ath regime. After the uprising, it was converted to a touristic site. The park contains several beautiful gardens, a restaurant, a small lake, sports areas, and playgrounds for children. It is a popular spot for relaxation and enjoyment for Sulaimani locals.

travel to Sami Abdul-Rahman Park

This is one of the largest parks in Erbil located in front of the Rotana and Divan Hotels. It was designed and built in two stages on an area of 800 donums of land. The Park houses many visitor facilities like restaurants, playgrounds, football pitches and running tracks and many locals can be found at weekends having picnics with friends and family within the vast grounds.

الجمعة، 15 أغسطس 2014

Dukan Lake Resort

Famous Dukan resort, dam and lake is situated about 70 Km from Sulaimani. The resort contains, via 16 service projects, new built hotels, cabins, restaurants, and other tourist facilities either in the upper side of Dukan by the lake or downward by Qashqoli river.

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Bekhal Summer Resort

Found at a distance of 105 Km from Erbil, Bekhal Waterfalls can be reached through two ways: one starting from above the waterfalls of Kali Ali Beck and the other passing through Soran District to the east crossing Rawandooz District and finally descends toward Bekhal. Bekhal summer resort has a natural waterfall flowing down the center of the mountain.It is administratively attached to the city of Erbil and to Soran region. Bekhal offers captivating natural sceneries and an attractive fresh climate in summer where thousands of tourists, local and foreign, visit when temperatures drop down.
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School Qbhan

The ruins of the Qubahani School are located in the Amediya Citadel, in the Duhok province. It was built in the 17th century. The Islamic religious sciences were studied at this site by Imams and Scholars for hundreds of years

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Dalal Bridge

The Dalal Bridge is an ancient bridge in the town of Zakho, built on the Khapoor River. It is 114 meters long, 4.7 meters wide, and 16 meters high and was built using large rivers tones. Zakho is also known for its mineral springs which are thought to have medicinal properties, especially for skin diseases.
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Akrei Citadel

The Citadel lies in the northern part of Akra town, 450 m above ground level. It was built by prince Zand 580 BC on top of a high mountain.The citadel is four pillared of 110m each. It consists of several floors; the upper floor is known as the prince’s residence, the middle was used as food storage room, and the basement consists of a round meeting hall and a flat rock in the middle. Also, there is water well and an eagle-like room which is called the jail. The rooms are wide and were built in geometrical shapes. 

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Jasana Cave

This cave is about 50 Kms west of Sulaimani city within Surdash area on the Sulaimani – Dukan highway. It is located behind Kani Khan village on the foot of a big mountain. 
On 3/2/1923 the British army bombarded Sulaimani city by aircraft during their conflict with King Mahmood who was forced to leave Sulaimani and move to Surdash area making “Jasana Cave” his Headquarters and safe haven, this cave also witnessed the issuance of the first edition of “Bangi Haq” newspaper meaning (Call for Truth, or Call for Justice) through the press that was brought over to the site.

Sartka Cetadel

In Qashqoli area, where a river comes up the Dukan Dam, we see a standing castle on top of a hill on the other bank of the river overlooking the river and the mat booths. This castle was built by Prince Muhammad, Prince of Soran (1813 – 1837) and still keeps some of its structure as the walls and some rooms.

travel to Choli Minaret

Choli Minaret is considered to be one of the most prestigious landmarks of Erbil City. It is 22 meters high and just 1 kilometer south of Erbil’s Citadel. Built in 1128-1138 AD during the rule of Sultan Mudhaffar Al-Din Called, it is also Al-Mudhafariah Minaret. The local inhabitants refer to it as ‘Choli’ because it was far from the city. Truly fascinating for those interested in local history

The Great Pasha Citadel

The Great Pasha Fortress is located on the main road between Soran and Rawandooz. It was built of stone and gypsum over a natural hill during the rule of Prince Muhammad, Prince of Soran (1813-1837), also known as the Great Pasha. It had four circular towers but nothing remained out of it except the foundations as well as one wall.

Qaysari Market (Bazaar)

Qaysari Market lies at 728m and is directly opposite the Erbil Citadel. Constructed during the Ottoman Empire it was built in the form of Latin characters. The Market is a large and elevated hall. It shelters a large number of shops. It has two main entrances south and west. Itmany roof skylights and openings provide for lighting and ventilation.

Travel to Qshla

Qshla is located in the center of Koya City. Researchers differ on the date of its construction. Some relate it to the Mamalik era while others do to the second half of the 19th century during the rule of Ottoman Governor Midhat Pasha of Baghdad.


The crime of chemical bombardment of Halabja town by the Ba'ath regime on March 16, 1988 led to more than 5 thousand dead and 10 thousand wounded or disabled besides the destruction of the town. Omar Khawar's family, the cemetery, and the monument will witness the shameful regime attacks which attract visitors to take a look on that Huge Massacre. There are photos showing some details of the crime as an eternal remembrance that would never die.

Political Tourism

The Kurdish people faced the policy of Genocide by Saddam's regime ( which the Supreme Iraqi Court considered it officially as the Genocide crimes against the Kurdish people), also the international community consider those crimes as one of the rare world crimes in modern history which ended with 182 000 victims. This reality drives global tourists to come close and look at the size of that cruel non- humanitarian crime through visiting many symbols of those mentioned crimes expressed in: museums, grave yards, monuments, jails, military citadels, destroyed and burnt villages, martyrs' remains, discovered collective graves, photo galleries, films, etc. Also the victories achieved by Peshmarga and the Kurdish Revolutionary Leadership. Such sites are distributed in many districts like Halabja monument, Martyrs' Yard of Chemical weapon attack in Halabja, Balisan, Sawsenan, Goptappa, and monuments of Anfal crime in Garmyan, Chamchamall, Bazyan, Barzan- in Barzan area-, Koya, Dukan, Soya village, Daka cave, Nizarki citadel – in Bahdenan distric

Duhok City

Duhok City

Duhok City is the center of Duhok prefecture (governorate) one of main cities in Kurdistan Region. It situates north Iraq, (43.20 – 44.10) longitude, (36.40 – 37.20) latitude, close to both Syrian & Turkish borders. Duhok city is on plane ground beween 2 mountain chains, Shandukha from the south and Spi from the north, while mountain Seen stands on the east. On the west side a plane area could be seen with a tourism environment. The majority of citizens are Kurds; they live peacefully with Chaldean, Assyrian, Armenian and Yazidi minorities. Duhok city is famous with historical sites in which sculptures could be seen on the rocks. 
There are tens of restaurants, hotels, motels, historic and folkloric museums, Yazidic cultural museum, playground for kids, small zoo, supermarkets; the city embraces Duhok University and many cultural centers. There are many historical and tourist sites in Duhok prefecture.
Some most important tourist places inside the city

Masjed Haj Ahmad: In the center of the city, considered to be the the biggest Masjed of Duhok.
Mart Alaha Church: Considered to be the oldest church in Duhok, situates near the Headquarter of Duhok University.
Mazi Complex: This complex consists of: supermarket, hotel, motel, Dream land fun city and open and roofed swimming pools.
Azadi Park: Downtown near Duhok sport club, has a garden, restaurant, cafeteria.
Zari Park: near Zari land motel groups, consist of: garden, restaurant and a cafeteria.

Badirkhanis' public library: It is on the road toward downtown, consists of reading hall, rest hall and embraces nearly 120 thousand book titles.
Duhok fun city: Consist of: garden, plays for kids, restaurant and cafeteria. 

sulaymani city

One of the major cities in both Kurdistan region and Iraq, situated 385 Km north Baghdad and 198 Km north east Erbil the capital of Iraqi Kurdistan Region. The city sits between two chains of mountains (Goyzha & Glazarda), longitude (44.50- 46.16) East and latitude (35.04 - 36.30) North. The city was founded by Ibrahim Pasha in the year 1784. Claudius James Rich the famous (March 28, 1787 - October 5, 1821) the British traveler and antiquarian scholar said in his book that Sulaimani – from the beginning of its establishment – had large markets, clean public baths (Turkish design). Today Sulaimani has developed in most modern life aspects, hotels, motels, supermarkets & Malls, theatres, restaurants & Parks.
From the cultural perspective, Sulaimani is considered to be the capital of Kurdish culture, the famous old Saray situates at the center of the city, while many museums are distributed. Sulaimani Embrace several universities & Educational Institutions both Public & Private, in addition to the American University. 

Erbil city travel

Erbil city is the capital of Kurdistan Region Government, the oldest 
city with continuous residentially. 
This city is regarded as one of the most deep-rooted Governorate in 
the area, its history begins before A.D. 
The city is located at the height of 418 m sea level, in accordance 
with historical references, the city was established 6000 prior to A.D. 
The name of Erbil city has been found in the Somarian transcripts 
(with different shapes and Somarian Alphabetic) ; such as (Urbilam, 
Arbil, Urbl and Arba Ilo) . 
The city was the main station for The God Ashtar which was the main 
goddess which was worshiped at that era. 

Most of the historians and researchers have studied the history of this 
important city, which is regarded an important subject for many artists, 
history studiers and other researchers even in Europe. The city is a 
key element for eastern part and Kurdistan Region defining. 

Geographical Data: 
Erbil city is located east to Sulaymanyah Governorate and it is only 
350 km from Baghdad. The city is surrounded by Nineveh from west 
and Kirkuk city from east and Iran and Turkey from North. 
Total Area of the city : 15214 Km2 

There are two Museum, this first one is Erbil citadel museum, which 
is located in the citadel. It contains about 40 antique parts and anc-
ient heritages. The second one is Erbil museum which includes 
about 5000 ancient parts, which deep-rooted in the history.

Malls and Supermarkets:
The city has 8 modern malls with most modern international brands 
and trading marks. 

Health care and treatments: 
There are many sophisticated medical centers and health care offices
in the city. The city also has body building centers and weight losing 

There are many embassies in the city such as the embassy of Russia, 
UK, Irelands, France, Turkey, German, Republic of Iran, USA, 
Egyptian, Japan, honor embassy, Sweden, Denmark, Spain and 
Egyptian Trade Center.

Jasana Cave

This cave is about 50 Kms west of Sulaimani city within Surdash area on the Sulaimani – Dukan highway. It is located behind Kani Khan village on the foot of a big mountain. 
On 3/2/1923 the British army bombarded Sulaimani city by aircraft during their conflict with King Mahmood who was forced to leave Sulaimani and move to Surdash area making “Jasana Cave” his Headquarters and safe haven, this cave also witnessed the issuance of the first edition of “Bangi Haq” newspaper meaning (Call for Truth, or Call for Justice) through the press that was brought over to the site.

Kani Zark Swimming Pool (The Yellow Spring)

It is located in the eastern part of Aqra City about (700) meters away from the city center. It contains a swimming pool (two meters depth), restaurant and casino. There is a paved street leading to it with car park. People go to this pool for healing especially during the hot forty days of summer. Its water is useful for healing jaundice.

dukan lake

Famous Dukan resort, dam and lake is situated about 70 Km from Sulaimani. The resort contains, via 16 service projects, new built hotels, cabins, restaurants, and other tourist facilities either in the upper side of Dukan by the lake or downward by Qashqoli river.