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الأحد، 31 أغسطس 2014

duhok park

The park is located near to Directorate of Duhok Customs and consists of gardens, restaurants, kids’ entertainment games and cafeterias.

Public Park

This park is in the heart of Sulaimani city, situated in the head of Salim Street in front of Sulaimani Palace Hotel. Built in 1937 and considered as the oldest and most beautiful one. The park includes the statue of the 4 officers and some poets and artists. There is also a playground for kids.

الخميس، 21 أغسطس 2014

travel to Shrine & Srochki Castle in Barzinja

Town of barznja is 55km north east Sulaimani city . It has natural beautiful scenes and embraces a shrine of two men ( Esa& musa) from prophet Muhammad's offspring ( PBUH ) . Sheikh ESa (died 1353 AC ) founded Barzinja town . There is - on top of a near mountain a castle named sruchki which is referred to the 16 th century.

travel to Khurmal mineral Pond

Khurmal is a small historic town sits east Sulaimani. The Masjid & Minaret were built in Abdullah son of Omar son of Alkhattab the 2nd Khalif. There is a mineral pond in Khurmal called (Garaw) useful for some skin diseases

الاثنين، 18 أغسطس 2014

why you should visit kurdistan

The tourism industry, in this fast emerging market, offers potentially lucrative returns. The Kurdistan Regional Government invites the worldwide business community to participate in developing Iraqi Kurdistan true potential. This website aims to provide tourism businesses and those interested in organisation of tourism in Iraqi Kurdistan, with instant access to information on market trends, details of the development opportunities, and finding the right contacts.
The private sector is also invited to contribute towards the development of tourism in the Region.

travel to see akre

Aqrah (Kurdish Akrê, ئاکرێ; Syriac: ܥܩܪܐ ʻaqra) (from the Syriac word meaning "barren," referring to the land) is an historically Assyrian city and district in Iraq which is located in the Dohuk Governorate since 1991. The total area of the district is (6418) km2. The district of Aqrah was formed in 1877 by the Ottoman Empire and the city of Aqrah became the center of the district. Before 1991 the large district of Aqrah was part of Ninawa Governorate, but after the Kurdish Uprising in 1991, Aqrah district became a part of Dohuk Governorate.

The population is mainly Kurds, but with an Assyrian minority. Defend International President Widad Akrawi, the Kurdish film director, Hiner Saleem, and the Iraqi Ambassador to Vienna, Tariq Aqrawi, were 
    born in this city


الأحد، 17 أغسطس 2014

travel to Jelly River

This river lies 95 Km northeast and 24 Km from Koya with a 600m altitude. Because of the curing benefits of its water, the river attracts those ailing from skin diseases. It flows through the wide Smaquli valley which is located northwest of the city at a distance of 21 km. It is a beautiful region rich with luxuriant orchards and other varieties of trees.